Is Donkey Halal?
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Is Donkey Halal? Complete Islamic Ruling on Donkey Meat

Islamic scholars have debated whether donkey meat is halal or haram. The ruling primarily depends on whether the donkey is domesticated or wild. To clarify the Islamic perspective, we will explore Quranic verses, hadith references, and scholarly interpretations.

Is Donkey Halal or Haram? Islamic Ruling on Donkey Meat

Quranic Verses Related to Donkey Meat:

While the Quran does not explicitly mention donkey meat, it provides general guidelines on halal and haram food:

The second verse indicates that donkeys were created for riding, not consumption.

Hadith on Donkey Meat:

Most scholars agree that eating the meat of domesticated donkeys is haram. This ruling is based on an authentic hadith in Sahih Bukhari:

For further insights, check Islam Q&A on hadith rulings.

Is Donkey Halal?

Why Is Domestic Donkey Meat Prohibited (Haram)?

  • Primary function: Donkeys were historically used for transportation and labor, not as a food source.
  • Religious purity: Some Islamic scholars classify donkey meat as impure (najis), making it unfit for consumption.
  • Prophetic ruling: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explicitly forbade the consumption of donkey meat in authentic hadiths.
  • Preservation of resources: Scholars suggest that banning donkey meat helped maintain the population of working animals needed for daily tasks.

For a scholarly discussion on dietary prohibitions, visit Darul Ifta.

Is Wild Donkey Halal? Understanding the Difference

Some scholars differentiate between domesticated and wild donkeys (known as al-himar al-wahshi). Wild donkeys are considered halal because:

  • They are not used for work or transportation.
  • Some hadiths suggest that early Muslims consumed wild donkeys.
  • Scholars such as Imam Shafi’i and Imam Malik allow wild donkey meat.
  • Wild donkeys are classified similarly to game animals, which are typically halal.

For more details, read Islamic Dietary Laws.

Scholarly Opinions on Donkey Meat

School of ThoughtRuling on Domesticated DonkeysRuling on Wild DonkeysKey Scholar & Reasoning
HanafiHaramHalalImam Abu Hanifa: Animals primarily used for transport should not be consumed.
MalikiHaramHalalImam Malik: Differentiated between wild and domesticated donkeys, ruling the latter as impure.
Shafi’iHaramHalalImam Al-Nawawi: Permitted wild donkeys based on early Muslim consumption.
HanbaliHaramHalalImam Ahmad ibn Hanbal: Agreed with the majority that only wild donkeys can be consumed.

Scientific and Nutritional Perspective on Donkey Meat

While donkey meat is not commonly consumed in Muslim-majority countries, it is eaten in some cultures. Nutritionally, it is:

  • Rich in protein and iron
  • Low in fat compared to beef and lamb
  • Not widely available in halal-certified markets

Some countries consume donkey meat as a delicacy, but it remains controversial in Islamic dietary laws.

For a global perspective on donkey meat consumption, visit World Food Organization.

Is Donkey Halal?

Alternative Halal Meat Options

Since donkey meat is considered haram, Muslims can consume these halal alternatives:

  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • Chicken
  • Goat
  • Fish

For a complete halal meat guide, see Halal Monitoring Committee.


In summary, domesticated donkey meat is haram, while wild donkey meat may be halal, according to some scholars. The majority ruling considers it haram, so Muslims generally avoid consuming donkey meat.

For more information on halal food, visit What is Halal Food?.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, the Quran does not explicitly mention donkey meat but provides general guidelines on halal and haram food.

Yes, according to authentic hadiths in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, the Prophet (PBUH) prohibited eating domesticated donkey meat.

A domesticated donkey is used for work and transport, while a wild donkey is free-roaming and not domesticated.

Wild donkeys are classified similarly to game animals, which are halal. Some hadiths suggest that early Muslims consumed wild donkeys.

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